Sunday, September 9, 2012

What is happiness?

What is happiness?

Why are people who have less money more happy than those who are having more?
Because they focus more on values which many of the more wealthy ones seem to have forgotten about.
What are the most important values in life?
Isn't it mainly the people who surround you? I see so many running after the newest stuff if it's electronic, fashion or cars, but what is it worth if no one is there to enjoy it with you? You could have the biggest house full of luxury up to the roof but if you are sitting there alone and sad it doesn't matter at all. We are complaining so much although most of us have more than the majority of all people on this world is even able to think of.
We have homes and full fridges, showers or bath tubs, supermarkets around the corner, cars in front of our house or in the garage, a heater for cold days and air cons for hot days, enough money to at least afford a computer with access to the web, because if you are able to read my blog on the web you belong to this group of people too!
But still these persons who don't have one single piece of it, who don't know if they are able to feed their children the next day, who wear the same clothes since years because they have only this one pair of trousers, who never sat in a car or watched a movie on TV, seem to be more happy than many of us. And what they don't do, they don't complain, instead they are thankful for what they have and cherish it.
These people stick together in good and in bad times, they support each other and share even if there's not much to share. And here we are, having enough to feed half of the city but still looking out for more.
Why don't we start to appreciate what we already have, how lucky we should be to be born in countries which are not suffering poverty, war, epidemic plagues, suppression...
I realize in myself that for instance if I am cooking something which turns out to be so nice I don't like to eat it alone. It's making me happier if I can share it with someone. And that's just a small example.
Sometimes, when I switch randomly through TV channels, I stop fascinated at documentations about different peoples and how they live. You can go from Asia to Africa, from the south pole to the north pole, all poor countries where the people mostly need to fight for survival, exactly there you see the brightest smiles and lots of laughing eyes. Communities which care for each other, each single person is valued as member of the society...
I don't want to start now and say that we all have to share all we have or to get rid of our luxury life to live in poverty but what we need to do is to stop complaining and appreciating our life.
We are gifted because we were born in countries without many of these problems. That doesn't mean our life's are free from problems but compared to others we are blessed.
Just cherish the day.

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