Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Things you should do once in your life

Things you should do once in your life

You will find thousands of these listings in many women magazines and they differ. I just tried to start some of them and these are the results and what I think about it so far.

1. Make a compliment or honor someone
- That's really easy and something we should do more often as it put a smile on faces. Just think about yourself, we all like to hear compliments.
2. Consciously breathing
- Interesting as it makes you aware of purity again. I did it as part of a guided meditation and it's astonishing how breath techniques can help to relax and calm down. I can recommend to give it a try.
3. A lazy day in bed from morning to evening without TV, Radio or Internet
- Here I failed up to now. As long as I haven't muted my phone and iPad I'm too curious if it's beeping, checking Facebook, emails...something to put also on my list to work on.
4. Getting rid of ballast - an old radio or cleaning up the cellar
- I cleaned up my wardrobe, each piece which I didn't touch during the last 3 months was put out. What I did then is selling all on eBay and the nice side effect was that I got so much for all these clothes that I was able to buy me the iPad where I was too stingy before as its just another toy. But with uncalculated extra money I made myself a gift.
5. Cook your favorite food just for yourself and enjoy
- In my opinion a stupid one. I never cook something for myself which I don't like, so this is daily routine.
6. Build something with your own hands
- Thanks to my neighbor I really did it a few weeks ago. I thought this will not happen and I could never check this task but one of our neighbors children turned six and we built a small theatre out of everything we found, painted it colorful and put little dolls and sweets in as birthday surprise. I felt like back in kindergarten but it was really funny when you finally look at the result, even if I still think children can do it much better than adults. They have more fantasy than almost all adults nowadays.
7. Dive into the idyllic world of childhood (watch movies you loved as child, read children's books)
- Perfect relaxation for me, I think this depends on how your childhood has been. I took one of my favorite books I read as child and it was like a flashback to the age of six or seven where you were free of problems and where your parents gave you good night hugs and kisses and checked if the blanket is covering you before you sleep tight. I recommend this one for a rainy Sunday afternoon.
8. Travel the world (all continents)
- I stepped on two continents so far...if I win the lottery one day I will let you know if I like this task or not.
9. Go consciously into nature - sense details (flower, grass, insects)
- Just stroll around and breath the smell of trees and flowers, watch ants carrying leaves six times bigger than themselves, it's a bit like a meditation. You are just watching and breathing and not thinking, makes the mind free.
10. Not to buy new clothes for the next six months
- I'm pretty sure it was written for men. They will succeed easily but I am a woman! No way, even if I would try it I would fail, that's 100% sure. Do you think I can walk by a shop if I see something nice which isn't yet in my wardrobe but soooo cute and the colour is matching and it's on sale and and and? Even if I stay at home for six months, there are so many newsletters offering us daily new stuff. I have to admit, yes, I am weak in regards to shopping. I can't resist for such a long time.
11. Admit you made a mistake and say sorry
- That's not too long ago and something I do whenever needed. I can't understand people who are not able to say sorry. We are all humans and humans make mistakes, no one is free from it as no one is perfect and always right. So why should I bother myself with negative thoughts longer than needed? If I realize I was wrong or mean for sure I admit and say sorry.
12. Travel alone
- I did and you will soon read about it here (that's how I keep it thrilling, haha).
13. Don't talk one day
- Is talking to myself counting?
14. Watch an opera
- I listened around seven minutes to one where I don't even know the title. Sorry, but this kind of music is nothing for my ears. Call me low-brow, I can live without. (But for sure only my opinion!)
15. Afford a cleaning woman/man for your home
- As long as I'm living on fifty five square meters I do it myself. This is another pair of shoes which is more important for me than someone doing the cleaning for me. If I move into a palace I will over think this item.

Bye for now, hope you enjoyed it a bit.

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