Friday, August 24, 2012

Do I have to explain my life?

Do I have to explain my life?

I recently asked me this question as I found myself in the situation of always explains that it's not like that, that it's different, that it's not as they think...
What was it about. It was because I met my fiancé who's not German. Even worse, he's also not fitting into the European picture as he's from the unknown continent Africa. Mystical stories about people there are in the heads of the common German or even in the heads of the common European. And for my story it's even worse. Not only that he's not European, he's also a Muslim. All cliches existent, you can be sure I heard them already.
Where is he from? From Libya. Oh god, you will soon be sitting completely covered on a camel in the desert. Yes, that was exactly what I planned for my life was my answer. You can only reply in a sarcastic way to stupid comments like this.
But what I realized in myself was that each time I was asked about him I was already answering in a defensive way. Yes, he's from Libya but he doesn't want to marry me for a residence permit. Yes, he's Muslim, but he's open minded and it's ok for him that I'm not religious at all. Yes, he has a big family in Libya but they will not influence him not to marry a non-muslim.
I saw myself acting like this and questioned myself. Why am I answering like this? Am I thinking the same way, are these my hidden fears? Definitely no. We talked hours over hours and are both completely aware that we led different lives up to now. I'm living on my own since years and was raised so freely. He was always close to his family and surrounded by them. As long as you are unmarried it's normal to stay with your family whereas for me it was normal to leave when earning the first own money and to start a life on your own. Religion plays a big role in his life, which is even bigger as we are at the moment within the holy month of Ramadan. Whereas for me religion was present in an easy way from childhood into the teenage years and as adult I decided that Christianity is not my path and I signed out officially. So I am without any religion at all.
But, and this is what we realized very quickly, even if it seems so different from an outside position, we are not too different. My family is so close to me. We are not living together, not even in the same city, but if we don't hear from each other like we are used to we feel incomplete. There are never more than two days without contact and news or changes or questions are discussed with my family before anyone else will know. And for the religious part, even if I don't have one it doesn't mean I'm unbelieving. I have values in my life, which I'm believing in, most of them already taught by my parents, who still are Christians, but I see them as values of life itself. Being honest, truthful, good to others, not cheating, not stealing, not lying, never harm anyone, don't kill, don't do something to others which you never want for yourself, and, and, and...
These are common values in life which also exist in each religion.
He met me like this, I found so many good things in different religions but I also found parts in them, where I cannot say that I agree on them. What I try is to live in the most valuable way I'm able too and to find inner peace with myself. Wherever this way leads to, I will see. And he is completely with me as he knows that I'm not worse than one with an official religion. You will find good and bad people everywhere, this is no proof.
He is him and me is me and we are happy that we found each other - so more more explanations why, how, when and where!
Maybe I write some day sitting on a camel, who knows...

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