Thursday, February 7, 2013

How to create a Facebook page?!?

How to create a Facebook page?!?

I don't know if I'm just too stupid or if Facebook is not making this task easy for users.
Miss Faith should have a Facebook page to distribute the posts on another channel as well.
The first problem was that I have a private Facebook account where I'm connected to family, friends and colleagues but as said, this is private.
You may ask yourself now if and for what reason I want to hide my activity completely from them. It's not about 'hiding' but to be honest I don't want to have them commenting just to please me and I also don't want some of them to know what I'm doing in my private time as long as I'm still "rehearsing". My closest friends will be or already are aware but first of all my aim is to get real feedback. And last but not least I have some Facebook "friends" which were maybe real friends years ago but aren't actually present in my real life as well as colleagues, which don't have to know me in a more private way. I restricted some of them already on my account but we all know how stories, news or gossip is spreading quickly. If they find the page themselves, then ok, but I don't want "secret agents" there.
During the last years we always heard lots of discussions about privacy in regards to Facebook and the last thing I want is that all of them are aware of this page. So what did I do?
I started another account with another email address. Miss Faith wasn't taken as name because according to Facebook "Miss" is not considered a first name so here we go, Missie Faith has now a 'private' account.
I'm still wondering how many of the celeb kids will be able to register as Hazel, Peanut or Peach...
Nevertheless, Missie was created and after the click on 'create a page' I was able to have finally a "Miss Faith" page.
I hope that I will not turn into a schizophrenic with all these pseudonyms.
Miss Faith's page needed a set up and this was and still is the next big task. When trying to share posts it was sometimes "Missie" sharing them and sometimes "Miss Faith" - here I need to find a rule to fix it. But the best is for the moment that I'm now temporarily blocked.
Thanks to Facebook.
They blocked me because of too much uploads within a certain time, the certain time is invisible to me as it seems to be their secret. I just got the message that I may abuse the system or bother my friends too much with a high amount of uploads. Very funny, which friends? This page was just created and before trying to get friends or "fans" it needs a set up. Who will click "I like" on an empty page?
Their second secret is how long the blocking will last. The information I got is that it can last from a few hours up to thirty days. That's really specific. And even worse, as soon as I try to upload something and am still blocked they may prolong it - aargh.
It is as if I say to a friend please don't call me within the next hours up to maybe thirty days and if you try it within this period I may prolong the time not answering your calls.
Now it means for me I have to be patient, one of my worst characteristics. I'm not patient if I want something and they force me to be.
If I finally succeed and can move forward in setting this up I will be really carefully.
Yours, trying to be patient, Miss Faith

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