Tuesday, January 8, 2013

How is it to introduce a fiancé to parents

How is it to introduce a fiancé to parents

Exciting! Totally exciting!
For me it was really as if I'm waiting for Xmas like a child, I was so curious on how it will be when we arrive at my parents house. Shortly after our engagement we started to drive to my parents. My fiancé was cool, he told me he's curious to meet them and can't wait to arrive there. But when we drove into the street where they live he became quiet. It's a habit for me to push the horn of my car as soon as I park the car in front of the house so they know I'm there. When I did hit he sank deeper into his seat and told me he's staying in the car and I should wake him up tomorrow morning. Haha, Mr.Cool was a bit afraid of the first meeting. But it wasn't to be stopped as all, means my parents and my sister, were already stepping out of the front door to welcome us. Mom was hugging me tight, congratulating to our engagement and quickly on her way to close her arms around a shy man, standing behind me. I think he was really surprised from the look on his face but positively surprised. I hugged my dad but a dad has to be the major of the family, so he was just shaking hands with my fiancé. My sister was writing and joking with him on Facebook several times before but it differs if you are standing in front of each other and she wasn't sure on what to as was he. They also were shaking hands shyly. The first part was done. But what then, how to communicate, it's already not easy to find topics in the beginning when you don't know each other but if you don't even speak the same language it becomes more difficult. My sister talks English so we didn't had a problem there but my parents never did and my dad didn't even learn it at school. He had a few years Russian during his school time but that's not very helpful. I translated simultaneously, how was the travel, did you like it in Munich, again congratulations to our engagement, how is the family, how is the weather in Libya, it must be hard to travel into winter when being in the desert before, small talk.
The first ice was broken and the men, means father and fiancé, started to take the luggage up to my old room. My old room which has been completely renovated before. Noooo, sure not because we were planning to visit, according to my mom it was needed nevertheless. But to be honest, just because my dad is watching TV there once in a while she wouldn't have painted the whole room, placed decoration all over, some in shape of hearts. Whatever reason it was, it was lovely, cosy, welcoming and like a new room. When we started to unpack it was the first moment to recap how it was and he was overwhelmed from the loving and kind way he was welcomed into the family. I couldn't stop smiling for the most of our stay as it really is the best what can happen if you see your loved ones going along that way.
Before dinner my mum brought champagne to have a cheers for our engagement. One bottle of dry champagne for her, one of half sweet for my sister and me and one alcohol free for my fiancé. This habit was completely new for him as it's not common to say cheers with alcohol, even if it's alcohol free "alcohol" in Libya.
I'm not the fan of drinking alcohol but I do it from time to time a glass when there's a special occasion. But the other thing is that I made a compromise and promised to drink nothing in his presence. This has nothing to do with not being allowed or cutting my liberty, I just said for myself that I don't want him to be bothered by the smell of alcohol when we are together. I don't miss it as I never drink lots and he's happy with this compromise. So the idea of champagne was lovely but kind of weird for him. I drank the one without alcohol as he does and we said cheers altogether. Besides, we didn't forgot my dad but he does not like champagne so he lifted a bottle of beer, what should I say, German, haha.
My dad was still a bit suspicious and during dinner he was watching him like a detective. But when I was alone with my dad in the room I asked him if he's "approving" my choice and he answered with a big and happy smile. I write approving in brackets as I'm surely don't need an approval but to know that they like the new family member is important for me and gives me a good feeling. It's much more easier than going against opinions or struggle because they don't like each other. The coming days were running quickly but from day to day more convenient, my parents even started to talk English, a mixture of German and English and my fiancé put the words he knows in German into the conversations.
All in all it was a great time being there and realizing that everyone is happy is so precious.
My faith wasn't disappointing me once again so please keep yours!

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