Saturday, October 12, 2013

Our summer wedding in the garden - part VI

Our summer wedding in the garden - part VI

Next was cutting the wedding cake. Our imperfect Pisa wedding cake, as this cake decided over night to drop to one side. My sister and me were doing it the day before and the plan was to give it the final finish the next day but when I opened the fridge in the morning I saw an uneven cake. We fixed it a bit an then decided not to add more as it may fall completely to one side. Nevertheless, the cutting worked without ruining it and it tasted wonderful.
Everybody was now completely relaxed after the ceremony. There was music playing in the garden and plenty of people were enjoying chatting and eating and enjoying the day. We took the opportunity to walk around and talk to everyone, sit down here and there and capture every moment while always looking out for each other and smile happily. We weren't able to take our eyes off each other. After a while friends of my sister arrived to prepare the summer barbecue we planned as dinner. They were more than professional as almost invisible and did a great job.
We've got lots of wonderful feedback for the variety of the dinner and especially for the quality and taste which is also a thanks to our barbecue masters. We prepared everything the other day but only if you know how to prepare it on the fire it will end up perfect.
Our dessert was a big buffet of fresh fruits with a double chocolate fountain on top and it seems as if what one of the highlights for many. They were gathering around it as if there's no tomorrow. 

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